Tutorial / Mockplus RP / Project / Workspace


On Mockplus RP, all projects are now organized through workspaces, including the Personal space and Team space. This Personal or Team space works just like a folder, offering a delicate workspace for you to create, store and manage your individual or collaboration projects perfectly and separately.You can also easily switch between your personal space and team space at the top right corner of your project homepage.

Personal Space vs Team Space

With Mockplus RP, you can create an account with a Personal space and a Team space by default:

Personal space is a safe and undisturbed workspace for individual users to create, edit and manage projects on their own. Within this workspace, you can visualize, test and iterate your design ideas privately without affecting others. It is only available to you. And every user has only one personal space.

Team space is a central workspace for a whole team to collaborate on a project better together in one place. Within this workspace, you can freely invite coworkers to work on the same project at the same time and also remove anyone of them from your project or workspace when the situation changes. And all users can create as many team spaces as they need.The Personal space and Team space are independent of each other. But, you can transfer projects between your personal space and a team space according to your needs.

How to Use Workspace

In your Personal space, you can:

  • Create as many projects as possible 

  • Edit, test and iterate your projects to fully explore your ideas

  • Share your projects with others by generating a preview link

However, you may not be able to:

  • Invite other teammates to collaborate on it 

  • Publish a project to Mockplus Cloud

  • All projects you've created in your personal space are only available to you.

In your Team space, you can:

  • create as many projects as possible

  • invite coworkers to co-edit on the same project together

  • set roles for coworkers to fully control the access permissions

  • assign different coworkers to different projects

  • publish projects to Mockplus Cloud for in-depth collaboration and handoff

  • You can easily collaborate on a project, and also perfectly manage your teams and projects in this workspace.

How to Publish Projects in Workspaces

Publish a project in personal space

Since personal space is made for personal use, the projects you've created in personal space may not be published to our online collaboration platform Mockplus Cloud. But, you can move your project from your personal space to your team space and republish it again to enjoy the design collaboration and handoff in Mockplus Cloud.

Publish a project in team space

Projects you've created in your team space can be directly published to Mockplus Cloud with a single click. And then, your entire team can review and discuss together, inspect layers, and handoff all deliverables via a link.

How to Transfer Projects between Workspaces

You can freely transfer a project from your personal space to your team space or from your team space to your personal space.

Note: To transfer projects, you need a Super Admin access level in your original workspace and a member or higher access level in the target workspace.

How to Upgrade Workspace

Upgrade your personal space

To upgrade your personal space, you may choose the Individual plans of Mockplus RP to enjoy all premium features, including the Annual and Perpetual plans.

Note: The Individual plans can only be applied to your personal space.

Upgrade your team space

To upgrade your team space, you can choose the Ultimate plans of Mockplus RP to better work with your team, including the Monthly and Annual plans.

Note: The Team plans can only be applied to your team space.