Tutorial / Mockplus RP / FAQ / How to fix the issue of the browser not automatically opening when logging into the desktop app?

How to fix the issue of the browser not automatically opening when logging into the desktop app?

During the login process into the desktop app, if clicking Log in with browser does not automatically open the browser, please follow these steps:
  • Go to your computer's system settings;

  • Navigate to the Apps or Applications section;

  • Find and open the Default Apps or Default Applications settings;

  • Locate the option to set the default browser;

  • Choose your preferred browser as the default and try logging in again.

  • Setting the system default browser directly within the browser itself does not help to solve this issue.

  • Opening the browser manually and logging in can not help to complete the desktop login process.

If the above method does not work, please send an email to support@mockplusapp.com. We will get back to help you within 24 hours.