Tutorial / Mockplus DT / Assets / Overview


If you’re looking to speed up your design workflow with Symbols, Text Styles, Color Variables, Layer Styles, and other assets, Mockplus DT is there to help you with it.It gives you a better way to save and reuse common elements across your designs, projects, and team.Below, we will show you how to create, apply, and reuse all the assets within your designs.However, before getting started, let’s give you a little insight into the user experience a little bit.

Asset Panel

The Asset panel lies on the left of Mockplus DT and enables you to create Symbols and organize your Asset libraries.

Text Styles, Color Variables, and Layer Styles

The Text Styles, Color Variables, and Layer Styles lie on the right panel. For the right panel to appear, all you have to do is to unselect any layer first.

Editing with Right Click

All the assets in Mockplus DT can be edited, renamed, grouped, and deleted by simply right-clicking on them.With that sorted, let’s move toward “Text Style” and understand everything related to it.

Previous Path Editing
Next Text Style