Tutorial / Mockplus Classic / Basic Operation / Exchange Data from a Project to Another One in Mockplus Classic

Exchange Data from a Project to Another One in Mockplus Classic

If you want to exchange data between two projects, you could use “Export and Import page” or “Export and Import component”:

1. Open project A, select the page you needed (one or multiple) in the Project Tree. Right click the page(s) and select “Export page…”.

2. Open another Mockplus Classic, and open Project B. Right click the Project Tree and select “Import page…”.

This is how we exchange page data between two projects. Please check the following pictures for reference.

Also, we could export and import component in the similar way.

1. Open project A, select the component you needed (one or multiple). Right click the component(s) and select “Export component…”.

2. Open another Mockplus Classic, and open Project B. Right click the blank area and select “Import component…”.

This is how we exchange component data between two projects. Please check the following pictures for reference.

Of course, you could export the pages/components and then share them with others.