Tutorial / Mockplus Classic / Samples / iBetter (App, Recording)

iBetter (App, Recording)

iBetter is an app that can help you develop a good habit and abandon a bad habit. The first page contains a special calendar that can help record your daily work and life events. And this prototype features for a set of Icon Button components in the bottom which has a zooming effect while being clicked. You can easily approach that merely by using Icon Button components,  setting a deeper color and adding a zooming interaction effect there.

Let’s see it in GIF:

Click here to preview it online:  http://run.mockplus.com/3XmlYeHB9sRLbkQR/index.html

UI Flow in large size:


Pages of this prototype: Home, History, Add Schedule, Settings and Feedback, etc.

The project file can be downloaded here.

All pages of the album (9 pics in total) can be downloaded here.

Enjoy it!