Tutorial / Mockplus Classic / Samples / Pexels (Web, Photo Material)

Pexels (Web, Photo Material)

Pexels is a high-solution photo download site that provides free stock photos for users all over the world and updates new photos every week.

In this prototype, all menu and bottom bars are suspended in a fixed position, and only the content area can be scrolled up and down. Photos in the Home page are arranged in a waterfall model and you can freely browse multiple photos in a row.

It also uses “Search Box”, “Scroll Box”, “Menu Bar”, “Popup Panel” and “Panel” components, etc.

Moreover, many interactive effects are also worth learning in this prototype, such as the menu bars floating at the top, the bottom navigation bars floating at the bottom and some photo carousels, etc.

Click here to preview it online: http://run.mockplus.com/O7bm1X54Skc1TLZE/index.html

Pages of this prototype: Home, License, Login and Sign Up, etc.

The project file can be downloaded here.

All pages of the album (5 pics in total) can be downloaded here.

Enjoy it!