Tutorial / Mockplus Classic / Samples / Explain Everything (App, Tool)

Explain Everything (App, Tool)

Explain Everything is an interactive whiteboard platform that can help people communicate with each other and turns ideas into understanding effectively. With this app, you can also collaborate, share and learn everything easily.

And in this prototype, the most outstanding part is its half-rounded rectangle that is located in“Home” page and used to show its major functions. In order to get that, with Mockplus, you can easily use a “Shape” component, adjust its “Radius” and hide its borders in “Properties” panel.

Let’s see it in GIF at first:

Click here to preview it online: http://run.mockplus.com/DS4Fj5gsgyuKdO6O/index.html

UI flow in large size:

Explain Everything

Pages of this prototype: Welcome, Register, Sign In, Home, Create A New Project and Search, etc.

The project file can be downloaded here.

All pages of the album (10 pics in total) can be downloaded here.

Enjoy it!