Tutorial / Mockplus Classic / Samples / Movesum (App, Sports & Health)

Movesum (App, Sports & Health)

Movesum is a brand-new step-counting concept that can help you find the motivation to exercise. This beautiful app offers you a simple and effective way to set sports goal, stay committed and connect your activities with the way you eat.

And its Home page shows the actual calories of different food and allows you to swipe left or right to switch food. Even though Mockplus does not support such gesture swiping effects, you can still make a beautiful and vivid interactive prototype with it.

Let’s see it in GIF at first:

Click here to preview it online: http://run.mockplus.com/oYeosPfL8Fy9x16A/index.html

UI flow in large size:


Pages of this prototype: Tutorial, Home, Medium Fries and Open Settings, etc.

The project file can be downloaded here.

All pages of the album (9 pics in total) can be downloaded here.

Enjoy it!